Redevelopment Plan Amendment

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Did I Get this Notice?

This area was designated by the Clark County Board of Commissioners for consideration as an addition/amendment to Clark County’s existing Redevelopment Agency. Designation requires a public hearing of the proposed amendments per NRS 279.608.

Title 30 of the Clark County Code requires notice mailings for any public hearings for all impacted parcels and all parcels within 1,500 feet.


What is Redevelopment?

NRS 279.408 defines “Redevelopment” as the planning, development, replanning, redesign, clearance, reconstruction or rehabilitation, or any combination of these, of all or part of a redevelopment area, and the provision of such residential, commercial, industrial, public or other structures or spaces as may be appropriate or necessary in the interest of the general welfare.


What are Redevelopment Areas?

NRS 279.410 defines “Redevelopment Areas” as areas of a community whose redevelopment is necessary to effectuate public purposes declared within NRS 279.


Why Are These Areas Being Considered?

To be designated a Redevelopment Area, the area must meet the definition of a “blighted area” under NRS 279.388.  A blighted area is an area characterized by at least four of the following factors:

  • The existence of buildings and structures, used or intended to be used for residential, commercial, industrial, or other purposes, or any combination thereof, which are unfit or unsafe for those purposes and are conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant mortality, juvenile delinquency, or crime because of one or more of the following factors:
    • Defective design and character of physical construction.
    • Faulty arrangement of the interior and spacing of buildings.
    • Inadequate provision for ventilation, light, sanitation, open spaces, and recreational facilities.
    • Age, obsolescence, deterioration, dilapidation, mixed character or shifting of uses.
    • An economic dislocation, deterioration, or disuse.
  • The subdividing and sale of lots of irregular form and shape and inadequate size for proper usefulness and development.
  • The laying out of lots in disregard of the contours and other physical characteristics of the ground and surrounding conditions.
  • The existence of inadequate streets, open spaces, and utilities.
  • The existence of lots or other areas which may be submerged.
  • Prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments, and social and economic maladjustment to such an extent that the capacity to pay taxes is substantially reduced and tax receipts are inadequate for the cost of public services rendered.
  • A growing or total lack of proper utilization of some parts of the area, resulting in a stagnant and unproductive condition of land which is potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the public health, safety and welfare.
  • A loss of population and a reduction of proper use of some parts of the area, resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere.
  • The environmental contamination of buildings or property.
  • The existence of an abandoned mine.


The Clark County Board of Commissioners examined different areas with potential for redevelopment and the four areas below were determined to meet the requirements of a “blighted area.”

The blight study, as well as instructions to proceed with the process of designation, was approved by the Clark County Redevelopment Agency on October 18, 2023.  You can view the meeting and corresponding materials here.


What Are the Benefits of Designating a Redevelopment Area?

A redevelopment area generates revenue from a portion of property taxes paid to fund the Redevelopment Agency.  The agency may then use those funds to help support revitalization of redevelopment areas by establishing grants, public private partnerships or using tax increment financing (TIF) as a tool to spur investment within the defined boundaries of the redevelopment areas.


What is Tax Increment Financing?

Tax Increment Financing leverages future increases in taxes to pay for improvements today. A baseline tax amount will be set at the start of the next fiscal year. Then, any future incremental increases in tax revenue will be specifically allocated back to the Redevelopment Agency to use for Redevelopment Projects.


How Long Do Redevelopment Plans Last?

Under NRS 279.439(3) Amendments to redevelopment plans are effective for 45 years after the date in which the original redevelopment plan was adopted. Here, the original redevelopment plan was adopted December 16, 2003.


What are Some Examples of Potential Redevelopment Projects?

Redevelopment Projects can include a wide variety of allowable uses under NRS 279.412. Some examples may include, but are not limited to:

  • Master planning or revisioning a neighborhood.
  • Façade or Tenant Improvement assistance.
  • Ability for Redevelopment Agency to purchase or lease land or buildings.
  • Allowing the Redevelopment Agency to partner with developers.
  • Improving open spaces, streets, sidewalks, or other infrastructure upgrades
  • Qualifying for bonds or other financing instruments.


Who Decides Redevelopment Projects and Use of Funds?

Redevelopment projects and use of funds will continue to be decided by the Clark County Redevelopment Agency. This is a public board consisting of Clark County Commissioners and meets the third Wednesday of each month at 10:00am at the Clark County Government Center.


Will This Raise my Property Taxes?

No. When a Redevelopment Area becomes designated, the only difference will be the allocation of property tax revenue, not the overall amount of taxes an individual parcel owes.


How May I Express My Support or Opposition to This Proposed Amendment?

You may attend the upcoming public hearing on May 22, 2024, at 10:00 am MEETING POSTPONED, New Meeting Date TBD at the Clark County Government Center. If you are unable to attend in person, you may submit comments by clicking here.

If you are interested in learning more about Areas 2 or 3, you may also visit

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Shani Coleman

Director Community & Economic Development

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