Applications are now open for the Clark County EMT Academy! Click here to learn more and apply.
How do I know if my business/non-profit is located in unincorporated Clark County?
Our jurisdiction locator can help you determine whether your address is in unincorporated Clark County. Please click here to be redirected to the page.
I applied for the first round of TEAP grants but was denied. Can I reapply?
No. Applicants that were previously denied for a TEAP grant cannot re-apply UNLESS they meet one of the following criteria:
If one of these applies to you, email for instructions to re-apply.
Does my business/non-profit need to have been in operation and located in unincorporated Clark County for a certain length of time?
Yes. Existing businesses and non-profit organizations need to have a minimum of one (1) year of operating history and be actively operating at the time of application. Microbusinesses can have less than a year of operating history but need to be active at the time of application. All categories require a physical location in unincorporated Clark County.
How can I check if my business license is active, and what the start date is?
You can obtain information related to your license on Clark County’s business license page. Please click here to be redirected.
My business has multiple locations, and some are outside unincorporated Clark County. Do I qualify?
If your business headquarters is in unincorporated Clark County and is listed as such on your business license, then it is eligible for consideration. Businesses with multiple locations whose headquarters are located outside of unincorporated Clark County are ineligible to apply.
I own multiple businesses. Can I apply for funding for all businesses?
We are only accepting one application per business owner. If you own multiple businesses, we recommend that you review the program requirements and apply for the business that best fits the criteria and presents the strongest business case.
I am a partial and/or minor owner in multiple businesses, how many applications can I submit?
We are only accepting one application per business owner. Whether you are a full and/or partial owner in multiple businesses, only one application will be eligible for review.
Are home-based businesses eligible?
Home-based businesses are eligible so long as they meet all eligibility criteria including licensing and jurisdictional requirements. However, a home-based business may be less competitive than a business with a brick-and-mortar location.
My wife and I own and operate separate home-based businesses from one location, can we submit multiple applications?
No. In the event that multiple home-based businesses operating are operating from same location, only one application will be reviewed for consideration. We recommend that you review the program requirements and apply for the business that best fits the criteria and presents the strongest business case.
Are non-profit organizations eligible?
Non-profits organizations located in unincorporated Clark County that meet the definition outlined in section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(19) of the Internal Revenue Code and meet size, revenue and other program criteria are eligible to apply. A current Clark County Organization certificate is required to apply.
Are there maximum size requirements for my business/non-profit to be eligible?
Businesses and non-profits must have less than 50 full-time employees and annual revenue under $3 million to be eligible.
Are there minimum size requirements for my business/non-profit to be eligible?
Yes, businesses must have minimum revenue of $25,000 and non-profits must have a minimum revenue of $1,000 to be eligible.
Do 1099 independent contractors count as employees for the size standard? 1099 Independent contractors do not count as employees for the size standard.
My business received PPP/EIDL funding. Am I still eligible?
Businesses who received PPP/EIDL funding are eligible to apply for the TEAP.
My business received funding from previous Clark County or State of Nevada grants. Am I still eligible? Businesses who received previous grants/funding from Clark County or the State of Nevada are eligible to apply.
What documentation do I need to apply?
Businesses are required to provide the following:
Non-profit organizations are required to provide the following:
Qualified Start-up businesses are required to provide the following:
Why do I need to provide my tax returns?
Business tax returns will be used as part of the selection process to determine business viability, financial health and to verify COVID-19 impact.
What if I don’t have a Clark County business license? Only businesses with an active business license are eligible to apply for the TEAP.
What if I get my business license and then apply?
To be eligible for the TEAP, businesses needed to have a continuously active business license corresponding to the years the business was operational prior to the application period. Businesses that were previously operating illegally without a business license and/or only obtained a license after June 1, 2023, to meet program requirements are ineligible.
What is the size of the grant awards?
Grant awards range from $5,000-$100,000 and will be sized based on the highest year of income between 2019-2021.
Microbusinesses are eligible for a grant maximum of $5,000.
How will the grant be distributed?
Grant awards will be distributed in three parts. The first payment will consist of 25% of the total award. The second payment will be 50% of the total award. The third and final payment will consist of 25% of the total award.
How can the funds be used?
Grants can be used for working capital to increase business resiliency in the event of future economic disruptions. Examples include, but are not limited to, reopening supplies, marketing, employee wages and benefits, trainings, purchase of bookkeeping software, etc. Program participants will work with an advisor to help them come up with a spending plan for the grant.
Learn more about the Clark County Advantage